soil, water, sunlight, and lots of social

Listen, learn, engage and build.

Living Brands

Category analysis
Research, understand and reporting on key risks and opportunities within any social category, painting a picture of any current state to help build a strategy to move forward.

Keyword and hashtag analysis
Research, understand and reporting on keywords and hashtags, building this into any PPC, organic SEO and social data cloud, to help build a consistent, linked and robust communications approach.

Channel strategy
Creation of a channel strategy to best position any brand, product or celebrity. This is about understand where the risks and rewards lay, i.e. if you are about sustainability, then demonstrate your new personal jet or wear a Gucci hand bag.

Seasons, events, launches & general business agenda setting
Research, understand and reporting on key risks and opportunities within any social category, painting a picture of any current state to help build a strategy to move forward.

Reputation + sentiment analysis
Reputation and sentiment analysis gauge public perception, guiding an effective social media strategy. Understanding sentiment shapes content, aiding in proactive reputation management, and guiding responsive engagement, vital for fostering positive brand image, driving growth, and ensuring brand resonance in the digital sphere.

Competitor analysis
Competitor analysis is pivotal for a successful social media strategy. It unveils industry trends, audience preferences, and content gaps. Learning from rivals' successes and failures informs strategy, fine-tuning content, engagement tactics, and unique value propositions to stand out in the competitive landscape.

Influencer analysis
Influencer analysis amplifies social media awareness by identifying key personalities aligned with the brand, leveraging their reach, credibility, and audience resonance to expand visibility and foster trust.

Share of voice analysis
Getting a clear picture of share of voice can help you understand your challenge, as well as help point out a clear path through understanding competitor approaches.

Creative content
We aren’t about churning pictures of peoples lunch, we are about crafting engaging and arresting campaign content, provocative, well thought through and high quality posts, with visually and written content that gets our clients noticed for the right reasons.

Content posting
Seasonal, geographic and sector relevant posting approaches to make sure the sharp point of the target is hit.

There are several stages throughout the process where reporting brings rich content to help understand states and opportunities.

Social responding
An important aspect of social is the art of engagement i.e. responding to posts, engaging with customers, and generally keeping an eye out for misinformation.

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